
My surprising (to me)
journey with Parkinsons

When I was first diagnosed I became pretty depressed. I thought to myself that I would just go out and expose myself to Covid 19 and “get it over with” rather than endure a long progressively worsening disease. Much to my surprise the path that my disease has taken is completely the opposite to what I expected. I credit a lot of my “success” to the changes in lifestyle and the medications/supplements (mostly supplements) that have become part of my routine.

Speaker Series

Inspired by AA speaker series

On the 14th of every month a person with some sort of Parkinson-related story to tell tells their story. They share their experiences, reflections, insights, nagging frustrations, goals, and any words of wisdom they have for the next generation.

We all have a story to tell and telling it can be therapeutic.

Example Curriculum

  14 Nov 2024 Speaker Series - Hummie
Available in days
days after you enroll