Track Your Symptoms
The PRO-PD is a validated measure of Parkinson symptom severity. The Parkinson Symptom Tracking App is freely available on iOS and Android.
Use it when changing mediation, to track progression and reversal, to improve communication with your provider(s), and to identify patterns and set goals.
Fluctuating Symptoms
Parkinson symptoms fluctuate over the course of the day, over weeks, months, and years. It's the nature of the syndrome. As one symptom gets better, another can pop up, making it difficult to track overall status.
The PRO-PD has been shown to correlate with years since diagnosis, historical measures of Parkinson severity and quality of life. Studies suggest a change of about 85 points in either direction is enough to be clinically relevant.
"Typical" Rate of Progression
The average PRO-PD score for a newly diagnosed person is ~ 550, and gets worse at about 50 points per year. Around year 10, the average patient's quality of life goes from "Good" to "Fair."
Our goal is to flatten the slope and increase the number of "Good" and "Excellent" years.
Symptom Domains
Some of you have more motor symptoms, others more psychological, and other more gastrointestinal. The radar chart allows patients & providers to see how their symptoms group together.
Maintaining Excellent Health
Use the app to track change over time. Set your goals high:
Can you lower your score?
How long can you maintain "Excellent"?