Adhesions Restrict Mobility
Reducing fascial adhesions in Parkinsonism alleviates pain, enhances mobility, and improves circulation. These adhesions, formed due to muscle tension and repetitive movements, limit movement and cause discomfort.
Therapies like myofascial release and massage therapy break down adhesions, promoting better function and improving the quality of life.
Yoga is a Requirement
The word "yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj," which means "to yoke," "to join," or "to unite." This root conveys the essence of yoga, which is the union or integration of the mind, body, and spirit.
Come to center. Pull it together.
Identifying your Hot Spots
What used to be called "cellulite" is now being recognized as "fascial adhesions"
Where to Find Fascia
We'll cover the head-to-toe spread of this web of connective tissue
Web of Connective Tissue
How is is built? What role does it serve? How can it be nourished and repaired?
Example Curriculum
Speaker Series
Once a month (usually the 28th), Dr. Mischley teaches a 1-2 hour seminar on a topic current and relevant to optimizing outcomes in Parkinsonism.
Enrolled students are given a Zoom link for the live classes, and all classes are recorded and posted for later viewing.
Students have the option of remaining anonymous or introducing themselves to the group.
The Discussion the follows the lecture is especially important.
Example Featured Products
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