Balance Training

Yes, safety will be stressed!

With and without your physical therapist, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your sense of balance. Dr. Mischley will go over the pros and cons of various balance boards, tight ropes, and playful training tools.

Pelvic Floor Training

Tantric exercises have evolved to vaginal video games! The PeriFit device is an example of a device that uses biofeedback and positive reinforcement through the device. Great for women with incontinence, but good for anyone who sits too much, has poor vaginal tone, and those that need to tighten their core strength.

Gait Training

OFF episodes occur when the body runs out of dopamine, either because you didn't take it, or the stuff you took isn't doing it's desired job.

Tricks for geeting moving when stuck.

Example Curriculum

  Toys, Gadgets, Gear - Complete Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Pelvic Floor
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Foot Massage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DoubleUP Roller - Legs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Neck Toys
Available in days
days after you enroll

Laurie K Mischley, ND PhD MPH

Dr. Mischley has spent the past two decades studying the unique nutritional requirements of people with Parkinsonism and working to find better ways to measure, monitor, predict, and prevent PD.

Her academic training is in naturopathic medicine (ND), nutrition (BS, PhD), and epidemiology (MPH). She created the PRO-PD outcome measure, built the Parkinson Symptom Tracking App (, has trained dogs to detect the scent of parkinism in ear wax (, is lead investigator of the, and is founder of the Parkinson Center for Pragmatic Research (CPR). She created in 2020 as a way to empower patients, accelerate education and catalyze some long-overdue conversations.