Men Get More Parkinson's

Nov 20, 2024 - 12 pm PT

"Parkinson's disease is more common in older people and men,..."

Join us as we toss around ideals about all the reasons this might be:

Bias in diagnosis? Do women seek care later? Or might the be slower to be referred? Is there an environmental exposure the men are more exposured to in midlife? Could menstruation reduce iron, and thus risk? Neuroprotection from estrogen?

Compliance with Diet

Dec 18, 2024 - 12 pm PT

"The female subgroup adhere more closely to the MIND diet than the male subgroup."

Let's talk about all the reasons we think that might be, how it impacts us, and if there are things we might be able to modify about our own attitudes and behaviors.

Meet Some Other Men with Parkinson's, Learn a Little, & Share Ideas

Beginning Fall 2024, we have a new course format.

The host, Joshua Farahnik ND MPH, will spend the first 5 minutes sharing a finding in the literature relevant to men's health and then opening the floor for discussion.

We'll have questions and prompts.

Men only. Registration required. Not recorded.

Host: Joshua Farahnik

Dr. Farahnik is passionate about discovering and treating the root cause of illness. He believes that one of his primary roles as a physician is to empower and educate patients, to collaborate on developing sustainable and accessible treatment plans, grounded in evidence informed medicine. He found naturopathic medicine many years ago after the conventional healthcare system failed to discover and address his chronic health issues. In realizing and experiencing the power of a holistic and integrated approach to medical care that helped bring him back to health, he knew this was his calling.

Men's Meeting

This is a monthly meeting for men with Parkinsonism.

Caretakers, partners, and other are asked not to join in order to maintain the privacy of the group. Each month we will focus on a different topic, based on the desires of the group.

This group is designed to be a safe and welcoming space for men with Parkinson's to learn about and discuss a diverse range of health topics in order to optimize wellness and quality of life.