Risk of What?

Risk takes on many shapes and sizes. It's up to each of us to stay alert to what is coming around the corner and take simple, easy preventive steps where possible.

Fall Prevention

Falls can happen quick, even among the young and healthy! There are a bunch of steps you can take now to improve balance, bone density, and ability to reach help, if necessary.

Preventing Choking

Don't mess around- sit up straight, strengthen your speech and swallowing muscles, do your LOUD exercises, sing your songs, and don't multi-task while eating.

Posture Posture Posture

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Get Your Head Out of the Sand

You get one chance to prevent problems- don't miss it. Learn from your peers, learn from the data, learn from your past mistakes. Uncomfortable as it may be, confront problems head-on.

Predicting Diagnosis

People without Parkinson should download the Parkinson Symptom Tracking (PRO-PD) App. If they notice their scores going up over time, they should test their sense of smell, ask bed partner(s) whether they act out their dreams, and consider a ParK-9 or Syn-One test, if indicated.

Course Material

This first course in the series will provide the tools you need to get oriented.

We'll discuss the tools available to you, how to identify red-flag symptoms, which labs are most important, and how to know when it's time to shift into a high gear.

We'll tackle obstacles, fear, willful ignorance, goal-setting, grit, and perspective.

Upon registration you'll be sent a Zoom link and a password.

Dr. Laurie K Mischley

Dr. Mischley has spent the past two decades studying the unique nutritional requirements of people with Parkinsonism and working to find better ways to measure, monitor, predict, and prevent PD.

Her academic training is in naturopathic medicine (ND), nutrition (BS, PhD), and epidemiology (MPH). She created the PRO-PD outcome measure, built the Parkinson Symptom Tracking App (www.pd-symptoms.com), has trained dogs to detect the scent of parkinism in ear wax (ParK-9.com), is lead investigator of the MVP-Study.com, and is founder of the Parkinson Center for Pragmatic Research (CPR). She created Parkinson-School.com in 2020 as a way to empower patients, accelerate education and catalyze some long-overdue conversations.

Example Curriculum

  Parkinson Risk Assessment: Get Your Head Out of the Sand
Available in days
days after you enroll