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101: What Everyone Should Be Told at Diagnosis
What Everyone Should Be Told at Diagnosis (5:33)
Dopamine Replacement (3:45)
Parkinsonism vs. Parkinson's Disease (4:53)
Symptom Management vs. Disease Progression (4:02)
Taking Inventory (5:01)
Tracking Symptoms (3:09)
Vocabulary (12:10)
Setting Expectations (3:56)
Learning from Patients (4:54)
Community Support & Resources (4:57)
Building Your Team (5:37)
Experiments & Research (10:46)
Nutrition (7:31)
Mindfulness & Summary (6:30)
New Lecture
201: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (80:42)
201: Resources
102: Dopamine Repletion Strategies
Quality of Life (5:50)
Tips & Tricks for Making Levodopa Work Better (4:44)
Levodopa + Carbidopa (12:19)
Dopamine Agonists (14:03)
L-dopa & Dietary Protein (11:31)
Benefits & Perspective (6:51)
MAO-B Inhibitors (10:19)
Treating Dyskinesia (7:49)
Cognitive Processing (3:03)
Dopamine Repletion- Summary (2:37)
Guest Lecture: Mucuna (12:41)
Slides - OK to download
Drug-Nutrient Interactions: L-dopa & Iron
Drug-Nutrient Interactions: MAO-B & St John's Wort/ 5-HTP
202: Making Dopamine Last Longer and Work Better (77:46)
202: Resources
202: Dopamine Decision- Recommended Reading
103: How Do We Know What We Know?
Rating Scales & Outcome Measures (11:43)
Why PD is Difficult to Study (10:12)
Whole Systems Research (10:00)
Placebo (7:22)
Participating in Research (7:22)
Summary (12:49)
Animal Research (5:50)
Introduction & Perspective (5:09)
Biomarkers (6:08)
Types of Studies (8:11)
Slides for Download
Copy of Rating Scales & Outcome Measures
Copy of Rating Scales & Outcome Measures
203: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (69:00)
203 Resources/ Links
203 Slides
104 How to Eat
Does Diet Matter? (6:28)
Appreciate, Anticipate, & Inhale (9:36)
Malnutrition is Common (6:16)
Nutrient Density (4:41)
Easily Digestible Foods (5:33)
Break-Fast (3:14)
Intermittent Fasting (2:12)
Fresh is Best (4:00)
How Important is Organic? (4:21)
Diet & Family (8:42)
Impact of Slope Reduction (4:19)
204 Food Graphics
105 Parkinson PRO Diet
Parasites of the Planet (Intro) (6:38)
Encourage: Fresh Vegetables & Fruit (4:45)
Encourage: Nuts, Seeds & Oils (4:21)
Encourage: Non-fried Fish (3:18)
Encourage: Fresh Herbs & Spices (5:14)
Wine (3:35)
Farmer's Markets & Co-ops (1:35)
What to Eat- Summary (4:12)
Things to Avoid - Overview (2:10)
Avoid: Dairy (14:23)
Avoid: Beef, Pork, & Chicken (8:00)
Avoid: Fried Foods (6:47)
Avoid: Soda (5:01)
Movies to Watch
Diet & PD Infographic_2020 CAM Care PD
Why Malnutrition is Common in PD (5:22)
Course 4 & 5 Slides
Slides- 1 per page (waste of paper alert!!)
205: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (66:31)
205- Slides
Parkinson-PRO Diet-- Point Tracking Page
106: What Labs to Order?
Intro: If So, So What? (2:35)
Intro: Stages of Nutritional Deficiency (3:05)
Intro: Reference Ranges (5:18)
Complete Blood Count (CBC) & Thyroid (3:41)
Homocysteine (16:35)
F2-isoprostanes (6:27)
hsCRP (12:36)
Iron (9:56)
OmegaCheck (EPA, DHA, AA) (5:16)
Lithium (7:23)
Vitamin B-12 (9:44)
DHEA-S: Hormonal Health (5:42)
Uric Acid (7:49)
HbA1c (Blood Sugar) (6:30)
Summary (3:02)
Mischley Reference Range Cheat Sheet
107: Intestinal Health
Mischley Intro: What's in There? (4:00)
Stomach Acid (3:53)
Components of the Intestinal Tract (7:03)
Dr. Evans- Intro (2:54)
Autonomic Nervous System & the Vagus Nerve (2:06)
Bowel Habits: What's Normal? (3:05)
Clinical Symptoms Suggestive of a Problem (4:32)
Weight Loss (4:43)
"Leaky Gut" (4:07)
SIBO- Introduction & Testing (5:13)
SIBO- Treatment Options (9:34)
Gastric Acid (7:24)
Summary (2:59)
Course 107 Slides
207: UPDATE & DISCUSSION with Dr. Evans (58:23)
207 Resources
108: Supplements & Nutraceuticals
Intro- Strategy & Essentiality (5:22)
Choosing Quality Supplements (7:29)
How To Know if It's Working (9:25)
Glutathione: Biological Plausibility (10:30)
Glutathione: Repletion Strategies (9:59)
Coenzyme Q10 (13:10)
B-12 (6:34)
Fish Oil / Omega 3's (5:35)
Lithium (12:40)
Vitamin C (9:18)
Homocysteine-Lowering Supplements (9:57)
Turmeric/ Curcumin (5:20)
DHEA (5:09)
Melatonin (3:40)
Vitamin D (5:46)
Summary (5:27)
Relevant links
SIM Pharmacy Tour (4:46)
Probiotics (4:00)
High-dose Thiamine (3:26)
109: Physical Activity
Mischley Intro (4:08)
Infographic: More Exercise is Better
Teri's notes
Nate Coomer: 5 Tips (12:16)
Claire McLean: Intro (10:36)
Claire McLean: Inspiration: Dennis (6:13)
Claire McLean: Inspiration: Fred (4:24)
Claire McLean: Inspiration: Ann (3:55)
Claire McLean: Inspiration: Teri (11:16)
Claire McLean: Physical Therapy ~ Exercise ~ Activity (17:46)
Claire McLean: Types of Exercise (8:59)
Claire McLean: How to Exercise (9:48)
Claire McLean: Assessments (6:52)
Claire McLean: Medications + Exercise (7:02)
Claire McLean: What Time of Day to Exercise (1:52)
Claire McLean: Exercise + Sleep + Nutrition (3:25)
Claire McLean: Motivation (6:05)
Claire McLean: Pain (3:51)
Claire McLean: Summary (5:53)
Claire McLean: How Much to Exercise (7:32)
Claire McLean: Interview with Teri (82:14)
Becky Farley: Big Picture: How Do We Implement This? (15:08)
Russ Parker: Personal Trainer & PwP (35:26)
209: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (51:34)
Exercise Advice & Discussion 2022 (113:47)
110 The Value of Yoga, Meditation, and Qi
Mischley Introduction (6:42)
Dr. Subramanian: What is Yoga? (18:55)
Dr. Subramanian: How Can Yoga Help PD? (9:57)
Dr. Subramanian: Advice for Physicians & Yoga Teachers (13:24)
Dr. Subramanian: Emphasis on Quality of Life (12:51)
Peter Lynch- Intro to Yoga & Breath (11:53)
Peter Lynch: Standing Poses (11:49)
Peter Lynch: Supine Poses (11:41)
Peter Lynch: Seated Poses (13:11)
Dr. Duda: Meditation in PD (13:46)
Debbie Leung: Qi: Chinese Healing and Movement Arts- Intro (22:52)
Debbie Leung: Qi: Chinese Healing & Movement Arts- Demo (15:41)
210 Mindfulness (10:43)
210 The Science Behind Mindfulness (8:33)
210 Stress Management (12:26)
210 The Power of Perspective (4:56)
210 Chanting (6:31)
210 Pranayama (Breathing) (24:18)
310 Mindfulness UPDATE & DISCUSSION (102:54)
111: What About Weed?
Laurie Mischley: Personal Experience with Cannabis (11:59)
Laurie Mischley: Research Experience with Cannabis in PD (8:29)
Cannabis Manuscripts by Sexton, Mischley, et al.
Cannabis and PD Tremor
Self-Administration of Cannabis for Patients with PD
Michelle Sexton: The Nitty Gritty (16:03)
Michelle Sexton: Introduction & History (9:20)
Michelle Sexton: Sleep & Summary (13:14)
Michelle Sexton: CBD & Tincture Tutorial (10:03)
Michelle Sexton: Quality of Life Drug (12:31)
Michelle Sexton: Psychoactivity for Apathy? (12:14)
Tracy Doerschel: Shopping Tutorial (12:47)
Tracy Doerschel: Symptom Management (8:20)
211: Cannabis: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (61:59)
311: Cannabis: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (54:16)
311 Slides - available to download
112 Conditionally Essential Nutrients
Specific Needs of Parkinsonism (8:16)
Which Nutrients & Why? (5:46)
What Do Humans Need? (9:43)
Relevant Publications
Glutathione (39:00)
Lithium (15:25)
Vitamin D, Coenzyme Q-10, & Closure (6:05)
Vitamin B-12 & Folate (8:54)
Melatonin & Vitamin C (12:18)
212: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (62:38)
312: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (109:34)
312: Handouts
113: Friends and Family
Introduction- Dr. Indu Subramanian (15:01)
PD Symptoms That Increase Risk of Loneliness (8:42)
Social Prescribing, Volunteerism, Sense of Purpose (12:23)
Financial & Clinical Barriers (14:13)
Virtual Connections & Beyond (8:45)
Poster- Friends Matter More than Tremor (2:50)
213: Social Health UPDATE & DISCUSSION (57:22)
Social Health Manuscript
Book Recommendation
Parkinson Buddy Programs
Link to Participate in PD Research
Introduce yourself!
213: Laurie Mischley: Describing, Understanding, Modulating Stress (65:05)
213: Course Materials- 1 page handout
114: Environmental Health & Medicine
Dana Bjerke: Applicable for All People (21:22)
Jen Riegle: Clinical Approach (20:46)
Laurie Mischley: Vulnerability to Environmental Insults (8:20)
Laurie Mischley: Toxicants (6:45)
Laurie Mischley: Uranium, Manganese (12:37)
Laurie Mischley: Iron (7:29)
Laurie Mischley: Ochratoxin-A, Aspartame; Wrap-up (9:23)
World Parkinson Congress- Ocratoxin A poster (5:16)
214: Chris Holder: Environmental Considerations (61:55)
214 Relevant Links
314: Laurie Mischley: Clinical Observations (10:00)
314: Joshua Farahnik: If/ When/ How to "Detox" (60:32)
115 Neuroplasticity-Grow a New Brain
Infancy & Imprinting (10:44)
Fake It Until You Make It (8:13)
The Malleable Mind (7:46)
Things That Accelerate Atrophy (9:35)
Exercise-Induced Neuroplasticity (8:11)
Nutrition, Summary (9:02)
115: Leanna Standish: Neuroscientist's Introduction to Ayahuasca (10:04)
115: Leanna Standish: Science & Psychedelics (10:24)
115: Leanna Standish: Resisting Aging (8:19)
215: Suneil Agarwal: Ketamine Therapty (56:42)
315: What Can We Learn from Functional Movement Disorders? (53:58)
116: Brain Surgery for Parkinsonism
Michele Tagliati: DBS is Not One Thing (21:09)
Michele Tagliati: What Does DBS Have to Offer? (18:47)
Michele Tagliati: Not All Centers are Created Equally (10:41)
Michele Tagliati: Who's Calling the Shots? (9:51)
Michele Tagliati: DBS Contraindications (8:52)
Michele Tagliati: What About Focused Ultrasound (FUS)? (14:55)
Karen "Pinky" Karle: Patient Experience (7:49)
Daniel Jeanmonod: Nuerosurgeon Perspective on Focused Ultrasound (FUS) (47:47)
Lena McCullogh- Patient Experience (17:29)
Alfredo Ruiz- Patient Experience (20:32)
216: David Spry: DBS Has Downsides (58:34)
316: Ben Stecher: Closed Loop DBS Systems (66:25)
117 Impaired Olfaction in PD (Loss of Smell)
The Nose Knows (13:05)
Loss of Smell is a Red Flag (11:55)
Assessing Severity (8:24)
Smell Retraining (9:58)
Start Sniffing! (12:50)
"Smelling and Tasting" PD: Using Senses to Improve the Knowledge of the Disease
Olfactory Loss from B12 Deficiency
217: Smell UPDATE & DISCUSSION (61:44)
317: Smell UPDATE & DISCUSSION (72:39)
2022 MDS Conference Updates from Dr. Mischley
118: Apathy
What is apathy? (11:44)
Impact on Relationships (8:12)
Assessment (2:25)
Treatment Suggestions (8:38)
Botox, Face Yoga, & Wrap-up (10:51)
Face Yoga- sample videos & classes
218: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (59:40)
218: Apathy UPDATE & DISCUSSION (12:41)
MDS 2022 - Madrid, Posters, Connections (7:14)
PD School Meet-ups in 2023 -- What does the future hold? (36:56)
119: Sleep
Introduction (6:58)
Melatonin Insufficiency & Repletion (18:45)
Meds & Bed: How Dopamine Replacement Can Help / Hurt (9:34)
LIght: An Insult & A Therapuetic (7:04)
Activity & Exhaustion (6:55)
Things That Interfere With Sleep (8:30)
Excellent lecture by Dr. Valerio
Further Explanation
219: Sleep UPDATE & DISCUSSION (86:59)
120: Muscle Pain
Introduction (4:46)
Dopamine Insufficiency (12:30)
Mineral Insufficiency (20:17)
Massage, Stretching, & Shoes (12:33)
Home Remedies with Few Side Effects (3:42)
Botox & Quinine (6:22)
Closure (5:50)
220: Myaglia UPDATE & DISCUSSION (72:05)
320: Myaglia UPDATE & DISCUSSION (72:35)
121: Mental Health: Why Me? ... It's Up To Me
Introduction: Kimball Magoni, PhD (6:49)
Reslience (12:25)
Internal Locus of Control (5:31)
Diagnosis & Grief Process (9:06)
Myths & Mindsets (10:49)
Countering Negative Thinking (8:49)
Post-Traumatic Growth (12:42)
Q & A with Dr. Mischley (12:29)
Kimball's PRO-PD scores over the past 7 years :)
Lecture Slides
221: Kimball Magoni: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (64:53)
Requested links - books, Dr. Magoni's website, etc.
321: Kimball Magoni: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (74:31)
122 Cognitive Health
Kate Wyman-Chick: Introduction to Cognition in Parkinsonism (3:35)
Kate Wyman-Chick: Cognitive Domains (12:30)
Kate Wyman-Chick: What is Neuropsychology? (8:50)
Kate Wyman-Chick: Cognitive Tips (13:41)
222: Laurie Mischley: Cognitive Health (63:26)
222: Cognition Discussion Slides
322: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (57:53)
123: In Search of a Cure
Introduction (7:17)
The Problem(s) (11:32)
Solutions- Disease Modification Strategies (9:50)
Solutions- Early Detection (19:14)
Solutions- Creating a Currency (4:11)
Closure (12:10)
223: Laurie Mischley: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (80:30)
223: Slides
323: Laurie Mischley: UPDATE & DISCUSSION (89:20)
124: Preventing Parkinson's: What Should the Undiagnosed Be Aware Of?
1. Introduction (10:26)
2. The Pandemic is Already Here (4:49)
3. The Parkinson Personality (10:26)
4. Things Associated with Decreased Risk (11:29)
5. Things to Avoid That Increase Risk (12:08)
6. Ignorance is Not Bliss (6:18)
7. Early Non-motor Signs to Be Aware Of (11:12)
8. & 9. Available Screening Tests (17:08)
10. & 11. Strategic Living (19:45)
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Vitamin C
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